Online Drug Rehab Center


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rehab Equipment

Rehab is commonly perceived in terms of alcohol and drug Rehab. But Rehab units are useful for a number of ailments and disabilities. Rehab units require a range of equipment.

Physical Rehab is for those undergoing physical therapy. It takes care of people with a physical disability or disease. Physical therapists treat strokes, injuries and other conditions. Physical Rehab Equipment includes wheelchairs, orthotic equipment, exercising machines and more.

Occupational therapy or Rehab helps restore independence to individuals whose lives have been disrupted due to illness, injury or aging. This may require a range of Rehab Equipment like exercise equipment, treadmills, wheelchairs, canes, walkers, magnetic therapy, heat therapy and others.

Rehab suppliers provide Rehab units with a range of Equipment like wheelchairs, scooters, and power chairs, lift chairs, medical supplies, breast pumps, etc. They also supply ramps, orthotics, diabetic supplies, adult diapers, lifts, patient lifts, beds, canes, walkers, magnetic therapy, heat therapy units, muscle stimulators, cushions, back supporters, and many other medical equipment. Rehab Equipment suppliers have specialists who evaluate the requirements of equipment and technicians to help repair damages.

Selecting Rehab Equipment for a person, especially for long-term Rehab at home, requires many considerations. Instead of using factory-made equipment for the invalid it is best to buy adaptive equipment tailored to his individual needs and requirements. Once an adapted device has been supplied to a client, continuous monitoring is necessary for checking fit and suitability.

Adaptive equipment can provide postural support so that the invalid is free from the effort to fight gravity and maintain balance, and can better attend to visual and auditory stimulation. Adaptive equipment also gives mobility to the invalid. Another advantage is that it reduces posture-related deformities.

Ultimately there must be a realistic judgment of Rehab Equipment. It may not solve 100 percent of the problem. It may not be perfect for the user. It may be modified and adapted case by case to solve a client?s problem in the areas of movement, communication, cognition and social interaction.

Rehab provides detailed information on rehab, alcohol rehab, cardiac rehab, drug rehab and more. Rehab is affliated with Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers.

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