Online Drug Rehab Center


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What To Do When A Loved One Needs Drug Or Alcohol Rehab

Sometimes life gives us a tremendous challenge, one so big we need help to confront and overcome it. Having a loved one who is suffering from an alcohol or substance abuse problem is just such a challenge. Fortunately, it is not one any of us must face alone. Holistic approaches used in alcohol rehab and substance abuse treatment have proven highly effective; they seek to treat the entire person, addressing the body, mind and spirit. When something is viewed holistically, the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts are acknowledged. By utilizing such an encompassing and complete approach with addiction treatment, a drug or alcohol rehab program can be designed to treat the many different and wide ranging aspects involved in substance dependency. Helping your loved one through research, phone calls and inquiries is a supportive beginning in helping them towards a start in recovery. Your help and support allows the person to move beyond stopping the substance abuse, and going on to total health and wellness, able to experience again all of life?s joys and pleasures. Education on the physical and emotional/psychological withdrawals the addict suffers goes a long way in helping them as well.

Initially, when a person no longer receives regular doses of the alcohol or chemical substances that have been abused, physical withdrawal can occur. A quality substance abuse program must include sufficient drug detox services. Proper alcohol or drug detox should allow for careful and supervised withdrawal from addictive substances to help your loved one begin the journey to healing and wellness. If these are available within the treatment program?s facility, there can be an easier transition to therapy once the individual is no longer experiencing a physical dependency and is ready to move on to total bio-psychosocial health.

Once a person is no longer dependent on drugs or alcohol, that person can benefit from continued focus on restoring the physical body, through identification of any mineral or vitamin deficiencies, and by adopting an active, doctor-approved and enjoyable physical conditioning program. Such physical activity, coupled with sound and enjoyable nutrition presented in the form of appealing cuisine and pleasant meal times, can help your loved one to begin to feel strong again. This enhanced feeling of wellbeing often contributes to a noticeable boost in self esteem. This aspect of the holistic addiction treatment program should not be underestimated! The replacement of old behaviors with newer, healthier activities is an important component of the addiction recovery process.

Helping the body restore itself allows your loved one to experience an improved outlook and renewed hope for a brighter future. Addressing the mind needs to occur in a similar way, preferably through the use of extensive one-on-one therapy with trained experts to identify and treat the reasons behind the alcoholism and/or substance abuse.

Addiction does not occur in a vacuum; people seeking help for addiction and/or alcoholism usually are suffering from a diverse set of maladies. Addressing these maladies, both physical and mental, in an intensive and highly individualized way is essential. It is important to seek out a program that offers diverse and multiple paths to healing different parts of the body, techniques such as psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, massage/bodywork, yoga, music, image therapy, physical training, acupuncture, appealing nutritional food and nutritional counseling if necessary. Your assistance and support in seeking a treatment center that can provide the above mentioned treatment methods, can be a valuable asset to your loved one considering drug or alcohol rehab. Spirituality of the addicted person needs to be acknowledged and supported as well.

None of us are here by accident--we all have a purpose. Discovering our purpose and the healthy direction of our life is probably the most important thing we will ever do. This involves working with our hearts and spirits. An effective addiction treatment program for someone in drug or alcohol rehab should include a spiritual counseling component. Spiritual counseling is not religious counseling; it focuses on individual strengths and good actions, such as caring and responsibility, without requiring a person profess faith in organized religion or a higher deity. If they do have such faith, it too can be helpful in their recovery.

Many people experience addiction to illegal substances, such as heroin or cocaine addiction; others are addicted to alcohol; still others become addicted to prescription drugs such as Oxycontin or Vicodin. It is estimated that millions of Americans have a substance dependence problem with either prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Just as chronic use of illicit substances can lead to all types of physical problems, including ailments relating to the heart, liver and kidneys. Prescription drug addictions can have especially sudden consequences including stroke and heart failure.

A major key to providing what your loved one needs to combat drug or alcohol abuse is treating the person with respect, acknowledging the person?s special needs and circumstances, and always treating the individual with dignity. The environment should be one of support and comfort to help generate a feeling of optimism and a positive outlook towards a better future. As each aspect of a person?s being is addressed, care should be taken to do it in a loving and thoughtful manner. Nutritious meals, for instance, can be expertly prepared and served with flair. Needed physical exercise can be offered in terms of favorite sports and fully equipped gyms as well as professional yoga sessions, for example. When a program treats persons with dignity and respect, even people who are initially reluctant are often quick to express thanks to their families and friends who encouraged them to enter such a program.

Addiction extracts a terrible toll on the addicted person, on society and on the families, friend and loved ones of the individuals affected. It is, however, a condition that can be treated, and with the proper drug or alcohol rehab program there is hope for every person mired in dependency.

By Abhilash Patel for Passages Malibu Drug and Alcohol Rehab center. Passages offers a powerful addiction treatment program to help overcome addiction. Please link to when using this article.

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