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Monday, May 5, 2008

Cardiac Rehab: Better Than Before

Did 25 minutes on the stationary bike,5 minutes on the mini trampoline and 20 minutes on the tread mill.

Wow !!! I didn't know I could do that much after my Heart Attack. I never did that before....

It shows you how motivated I am to get my body and heart back to a better fitness state than ever before.

I have to wear a monitor for the whole proceeding but it is good to know that I am being watched for any signs of trouble.

I can already feel my attitude is confident and the Panic Attacks partially from Stress are not coming or are less severe.

Getting out of the house and being with other people who have their own heart stories I believe is a large factor in the reduction of all those things I suffered with in the past.

When I get scared I can talk to one of them ,or the registered nurse and I feel connected to the group.

Isolation at a time when you are dealing with life altering experiences is the worst thing for us as humans.

I believe we are a social people and need to reach out to others. It is a skill really....

Most of us are givers and don't know how to be receivers.

Since my heart attack I have learned to accept help,I talk to my children more about meaningful topics and I ask their opinion.

I think the lesson in all this has been to open up our relationship, be more tolerant and certainly more grateful and reflective.

You get to think about things when your at rehab doing the work. So that's another benefit of going.

My mind is changing along with my body and "it is all good".

For 40 years, 7 months, 4 days and 3.9 hours I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, especially after my heart attack on Aug 12th,5:00amEST 2006. As a result of my suffering, I decided I would go on a crusade to reveal the most powerful,most effective and most successful system for living an Anxiety and Panic Free Life"- Lorraine Roach,Founder- Visit

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